Welcome to S*Sprattelkattens ragdoll!

We are expecting kittens between Port Charlotte and BB King in April, kittens will be lilac or blue choccarrier, colorpoints or mitted. Pedigree

Hopefully Katla is also pregnant with BB King and the kittens are expected in May. The kittens will be blue, cream and bluetorties,all colorpoints, all chocolate carriers. Pedigree

My queens

Katla S*Sprattelkattens Katla, rag g Pedigree Pictures
Loppan S*Sprattelkattens Port Charlotte, rag a 04, chocolatecarrier. Pedigree Pictures


Skorpan S*CallaMej BB King rag c Pedigree Pictures with "Skorpan"

E-mail linda@sprattelkattens.se


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